U8 First outdoor session of 2016

By Annette Conway, PRO Robe Rockets

It was great to see so many of our U8’s boys and girls who braved the first outdoor session of the season this morning. We weren’t sure if we would have snow, wind or rain but thankfully the sun shone for the hour. Over the last 6 weeks the Coaches and children have been indoors in the Lakeside on Saturday and this was the first opportunity for some of the children to play in Flanagan Park. The children benefited from having a full training session and all were delighted to play a match on the pitch!

Thanks again to all parents who cooperated with the drop off and collection of children to the area outside the dressing rooms and Coaches for their weekly commitment to training.

U8 boys and girls training will continue to be outside on the football pitch at 9.30am to 10.30am on Saturday mornings. 

A special thanks to John F and Staff of the Lakeside Sports and Fitness Centre who hosted our U8 indoor training sessions, we are lucky to have this facility locally. 20160409_104054

