Pre-match interviews, Over 25s v Under 25s, followed by LIVE VIDEO STREAMING


Pre-match audio interviews HERE

Excitement mounting. Video will be live HERE


Update, Christmas Morning, hope Santa was good: The Wrap Party + Video will be in Biggins’ Corner Bar at 4pm – this is likely to be an all-ticket affair, with significant black market activity, so be vigilant.

Update, December 24, shortly before The Big Man goes on The Big Run (and we don’t mean Donie or Davy breaking upfield): This game is now changed to 12noon. It’s a Garda request apparently – they want to avoid the traffic chaos of previous years. The game will be live streamed with Cos Cam, as outlined below. Watch it HERE

The video will be shown at 4pm in a secret location (a secret that will be prised from Declan Corcoran on this Holy Night, by one means or another…)

Reminder of the traffic difficulties three years ago:

View from the Fire Station towards the Railway Hotel
View from the Fire Station towards the Railway Hotel

Update, December 15: And this is not a joke. Micheál Keane has confirmed a) he won’t play – which is a big disappointment, b) he will shoot the video – which is a big boost, c) he will live stream the game on the day, and d) he will even have Cos Cam on match referee Padraic Costello Snr (who has also confirmed his availability today).

It’s getting serious now.

The video of the game will also be shown afterwards in a local hostelry.


The (almost) annual St Stephen’s Day Game will take place this year at 2pm in Flanagan Park.
The Under 25s will play the Over 25s.
Birth certs will be requested.
Further details later but you can pencil in this for the day after The Big Day.
Our new Players’ Rep James Quinn is actively canvassing participants, in case you want to avoid taking his call when you see his number coming up.

And if you’re over 25, you should be very wary if you see David Killeen sidling up to you some night over the early festive period.

Referee will hopefully be Padraic Costello Snr, and he might double as match analyst for the video.