Sports Partnership courses

Mayo Sports Partnership run some excellent courses, talks and seminars every year. Many of our members have attended over the years. See below for list of the autumn/winter programme:


Mayo Sports Partnership announces Autumn / Winter 2013 Training Programme

Child Protection in Sport, Sports First Aid, Sports Leadership Training, Walking Leader training, Disability Inclusion Training, Club Development Workshops and leader training for volunteers working with older people groups  are just some of the upcoming sports volunteer  training courses which will be available through Mayo Sports Partnership over the coming months. These courses / seminars are aimed at community / sport volunteers, coaches, teachers or indeed anyone who may have an interest in sport or physical activity. Dates and venues are finalized with a full listing now available online at2013 Autumn/Winter Training Programme.


Included in the comprehensive schedule are leader training courses in both cycling and walking along with phase 2 of a new after school activity programme which is on offer to all primary schools in the county. As part of its Club Development Workshop Series the umbrella sports body is also offering a FREE energy efficiency workshop programme to all clubs in the county. This will take place on Thursday 7th November from 7.30pm – 9.30pm in the Mayo Education Centre, Castlebar. To book your place contact the Partnership Offices at 094-9047025.

“ Mayo Sports Partnership is delighted to be once again able to offer a comprehensive range of training and educational workshops to volunteers across the county which are both accessible and affordable. This year, thanks to the Community Gain Fund, we are able to place a particular emphasis on bringing quality sports / physical activity leadership upskilling to people living in the Erris area” commented Mayo Sports Partnerships Sports Co-ordinator Charlie Lambert.

Castlebar is the likely venue for an evening seminar dealing with the whole area of “Drugs in Sport” during November to coincide with the Western Regional Drug Task Forces “Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week”. Some high profile keynote speakers will be present with more details to be announced later.


Details of other Sports Partnership programmes such as the very successful Men on the Move initiative for over 35 men, Active 55 (project for older people), Meet and Train initiative, Community Fit Walk, Link2BActive (Discounted Physical Activity Opportunities for Jobseekers), Disability Sports opportunities and much more are available through the Sports Partnership office, Twitter, Facebook page  and website .


All courses are subsidized by the Partnership and more details can be got by logging on to .You can book places by contacting the office at 094-9047025.




MSP Mission Statement: “To plan, lead and co-ordinate the sustainable development of sport in Mayo”



Mayo Sports Partnership

Mayo County Council


Co. Mayo


Padraic Durcan (Administrator) Main Office No: 094 9047025

Charlie Lambert (Coordinator) 094 9047256

Ray McNamara (Sports Inclusion Dev.Officer) 094 9047023

Anne Ronayne (Community Sports Dev.Project Worker) 094 9047022

