Training for Mission: Slimpossible!

Training sessions schedule:

The following is the current training session schedule. Please note, we are NOT expecting people to turn up four times a week – the Thursday session has been put on because initially a lot of people said they couldn’t do Friday nights.

Equally, people are very welcome to turn up four nights a week, if they wish. Remember we can avail of any of the scheduled spin, circuit or other classes at Lakeside during Mission: Slimpossible! by contacting Lakeside directly on 094 95 41364 and booking yourself. Cost is €5.00. Booking time is Monday morning.

Sunday, 10am, the Green: Ideally, we would like everyone at this – walk, jog, run, exercises.

Monday, 9.15pm, Conroy’s: Circuit training incorporating weights.

Thursday, 8.30pm, Conroy’s: Run (outside, if weather permits; if not, will be inside), plus Circuit training incorporating weights. 

Friday, 7pm, Lakeside: We have a designated spin class on Friday evening at 7pm. Anyone who was there last week and cannot make this week must organise someone to replace them. Contact Brian Golden to secure your place. WHAT THE GROUP DOES: Spin.

Friday, 8.30pm, meet inside Lakeside: This is the circuits session, led by Lakeside coaches. The fee is €2. A lot of people are unavailable on Friday nights it seems. WHAT THE GROUP DOES: Circuits.

Visit Motivation Weight Management website HERE