Lift off: it’s time to launch the Robe Rockets!


Stand by, strap yourself in, Robe Rockets are about to be launched.

The launch will take place on Saturday, January 24th, from 3.30 to 4.30pm, in the Lakeside Gym, Fitness & Sports Centre as part of the annual underage registration day for all young players.

Two Mayo players – Ballinrobe’s Kenny O’Malley and Ballintubber’s Cillian O’Connor – will launch Robe Rockets, which is a new wing of the club focused exclusively on footballers up to the age of ten.

“Robe Rockets will be a lot of things – a place where young children can be introduced to football, where they learn how to enjoy football with their existing and new friends, and all in an atmosphere for fun and all-round participation. We hope it will become a major part of the week for every young boy and girl interested in playing football in Ballinrobe,” said Declan O’Loughlin, the Head Buck Cat, aka chairperson, of the Robe Rockets committee.

“Every child up to the age of ten is invited to take part in the Robe Rockets Academy, which will start a week after the launch. Exact details will be revealed at the launch.”

Robe Rockets is one of the recommendations flowing from the club’s Coaching Plan (2015 to 2020) which was recently launched. A committee has been formed to oversee the Rockets and they are particularly keen to encourage parents to become involved. “In recent years, as we have expanded our under-age down to include under 6 footballers, the response from parents has been fantastic in terms of helping out wherever they can, and we know this will continue under the Rockets”, added Declan.

All club members are invited along to the registration on January 24th. One of the attractions on the day will be individual or family photos with the Mayo players, and coaches will be on hand on the day to outline the plans for the year and to get to know the players. Families and players can come along at any time between 3.30pm and 4.30pm, and it is anticipated that registration will take approximately 20 minutes.

Registration is for players up to the age of 18, boys and girls.

Membership prices are HERE