Robe Rockets Indoor training schedule 2016

By Annette Conway, PRO Robe Rockets

All Indoor training for 2016 starts this week in the Lakeside Sports and Fitness Centre. Weather permitting all teams should be outdoor training in mid March. Children will need the following; mouth guards, water, running shoes and an adult must sign in and collect children from training. Mouth guards are mandatory for players in all age grades.

Training day and times:

U10 Indoor Pella:  Group training session on Friday 5th February from 6pm to 8pm in the Lakeside Sports and Fitness.

Indoor Pella League will start on Friday 12th February, if you wish to participate in indoor Pella please confirm with Des at training on Friday. The cost of participation is €10 and is payable this week if not already paid at registration. Teams and time will be confirmed later.

U6 Boys and Girls (Children born in 2011/2010): Starts Saturday 6th February from 9am until 10am in Lakeside Sport and Fitness.  There will be a €2 cost per indoor session payable on the morning. Please note any child born in 2011 will need an adult to be in attendance during training.


U8 Boys and Girls (Children born in 2009/2008):  

Indoor training will begin Saturday 6th February from 10am until 11am in Lakeside Sport and Fitness.

There will be a €2 cost per indoor session payable on the morning.

We look forward to welcoming back our current Robe Rockets and a very special welcome to our new players.  New players are very welcome to come up and see what is involved in training. Registrations for new players and renewals for will be taken at start of training. Here’s to lots of fun in 2016