Robe Rockets elect officers for 2015

The following officers were elected at tonight’s first annual general meeting of the Robe Rockets wing of the club:

Chairperson – Declan O’Loughlin, 087 206 3863,

Secretary – Dave Conway, 086 859 8144,

PRO – Liam Horan, 087 9185 867,

Committee: Colm Jennings, Padraig Delaney, Mary Langan, Nicola Macken, Des May.

Rockets caters for players up to the age of ten. Weekly training times are available HERE

Gum shields must be worn every Saturday.

Don’t forget the logo competition – full details HERE

Rockets will break for Easter on Saturday, April 4th.

Debut day has been pencilled in for Saturday, April 25th, at 9.30am. More details anon.

Rockets will explode into the St Patrick’s Day parade this year, by the way.