Robe Rocket Committee 2019

Robe Rockets Committee 2019

Chairperson – David Conway, 086 859 8144     Secretary – Donal McCormack 087 661 1137

PRO – Annette Conway                                     Committee: Colm Jennings, Andy Walsh, Sarah Gibbons, Julie Duffy, Niall Heaney and Sean                                                                                                O’Loughlin

Robe Rockets caters for girls and boys who are Under 6 and Under 8 as well as Under 10 boys.

We develop and promote Gaelic games at the core of Irish identity and culture. We are dedicated to ensuring that our family of games, and the values we live, enrich the lives of our members, families and the communities we serve. We are committed to active lifelong participation for all and to providing the best facilities. We reach out to and
include all members of our society. We promote individual development and well-being and strive to enable all our members achieve their full potential in their chosen roles