Robe Rocket and U13/U16 Presentation

By Annette Conway, PRO Robe Rockets

A wonderful afternoon was had by all our Robe Rockets, U13 and U16 Boys Teams at our Presentation afternoon on Sunday 26th November in Ballinrobe Community School.  Lee Keegan was our Guest of Honour. Lee presented our Robe Rocket U6 Boys and Girls, U8 Boys and Girls and U10 Boys with Certificates of Achievement and Club Beanie hat.

Lee Keegan pictured with our U6 Boys and Girls Robe Rockets 2017 and their Coaches 

U8 Boys and Girls Robe Rockets 2017, their Coaches and Lee Keegan 

Lee Keegan pictured with our Robe Rocket U10 Boys 2017 and their Coaches

Lee took time to answer some of our Robe Rockets questions under the careful watch of Stephen Rochford, Mayo Manager. 



Lee presented our U13’s with their medals for the winning the South Mayo A and County Division 2 League. Our U16’s also received their medals for winning the South Mayo B and County E Championship. Once again congratulation to both the U13 and U16 Teams and their Coaches on their success in 2017.  

Lee Keegan pictured with our U13 South Mayo A and County Division 2 League Winners  2017 and their Coaches

Our U16 South Mayo B and County E Championship 2017 Winners and their Coaches

Special thanks to Lee Keegan who presented all teams with their awards and took time to take photos and sign jerseys afterwards. A true Gentleman!!  A  special thanks to all who helped on the day and thank you to Anthony O’Toole, Proactive Security and Electrical, Ballinrobe, Declan Burke, Ryders Pharmacy and Donal McCormack, DMC Design for their kind sponsorship of prizes for our raffle. 

Well done to all our underage players on another great year. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication throughout 2017. A big thank you to our very dedicated underage Coaches.  We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to see you all back in 2018. 

If you would like a copy of your child’s photo with Lee Keegan please email