Club Ballinrobe

Our Patron’s Scheme

Ballinrobe GAA club is recognised as one of the most progressive GAA clubs in Mayo, with three adult teams, ten underage sides, ladies football and state-of-the-art floodlighting at Flanagan Park.

Since 2006, our Patron’s Scheme, Club Ballinrobe, has been helping to provide much of the funds necessary to run these teams, support our senior players in the top-flight of Mayo football, and maintain our facilities on a yearly basis.
Our extensive Patrons list is comprised of club officers, players, parents, loyal supporters, and members of the local business community who subscribe to Club Ballinrobe every year and pledge their financial support.

Why not become a member of Club Ballinrobe (Ballinrobe GAA Club’s Patrons Scheme) while you are registering; See various options below:

Individual Club Ballinrobe  €150 = Family membership + Mayo County Board Club Development Draw ticket valued at €100 + One entry into the 50/50 draw each week (worth €104).

Family Club Ballinrobe €230 = One Adult Club membership + All Family Children’s membership + One Mayo County Board Club Development Draw ticket valued at €100 + One entry into the 50/50 draw each week (worth €104).

The Mayo County Board Club Development Draw is organised by the Mayo Co. Board for the benefit of the clubs. After a certain level of tickets are sold, the club retains 90% of the value. The prizes are very good; Cars, Cash etc. Ballinrobe GAA Club had multiple winners in this draw last year.

Inclusion in the weekly 50/50 draw runs from April 1 to April 1 each year. All current paid up members of Club Ballinrobe for 2018 are currently included in this draw.

Download our Patron Scheme Form

Download Standing Order