Oran O’Malley visits Robe Rockets training

By Annette Conway, PRO Robe Rockets

We were delighted to welcome our own Oran O’Malley to our U6’s and U8’s Rockets training this morning along with the Paddy Drummond Cup, Connaught Senior League and Championship cups.

Oran took time to answer lots and lots of questions from our Rockets and he advised them to practice lots and listen to their Coaches!!!

Sean Grimes our U6 coach was brought back to 1999 as Sean was Captain of the last Ballinrobe Community School to win the All Ireland College final.

A massive “Thank you” to Oran and once again congratulations to all involved in Ballinrobe Community School. We wish you all the very best with exams, Clubs and County involvement in 2017.

For more photos check out https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1365677286808507.1073741832.237032396339674&type=3


Sean Grimes, U6 Coach with Oran O’Malley


U8 Robe Rockets with Oran O’Malley