Ladies U12/U13 Pella Week 5 Results


By Ann Cannon, PRO, Ladies Football


Well we’ve come to the end of our Girls U12/13 Pella League and what a fantastic five weeks we have had.  We’ve seen some great games and it has been a joy watching the skills levels of all of the girls getting stronger each week.

Congratulations to Team D on placing top of the League Table and to all of the ladies who took part.

Thank you to the Coaches and parents who were there each week.  We know it’s not easy to be out in the evenings with homework, dinners and study to be organised.  A special thank you to the girls who stepped in to play with teams A and F each week.  It’s a fast game and for some of you to play two games in one evening was great.

This coming Wednesday brings us to the playoffs. A nice way to round off our League would be if all the parents could stay on this week to watch and cheer on their young ladies in the playoffs.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

Pella Week 5

Please have the girls arrive 10 minutes before their playing time so they can be warmed up.

Gumshields are mandatory and the players should bring a drink of water.

Any questions call Declan on 087 2063863 or Mary on 087 2347438.