Pix from girls debut day versus @shruleglencorib

UPDATE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th: Pictures now starting to come in, thanks to Mary Langan, Aidrienne Gleeson, Katherine O’Loughlin, Emma Jennings and others. You can view them HERE. In the main, these are high-res pix so you can download and print from there if you wish.

Our U8 and U10 girls played their first game in the club colours tonight versus Shrule-Glencorrib, in Glencorrib.
I wasn’t there but early dispatches indicate it was, to quote Declan O’Loughlin, ‘a great night’s entertainment.’
A special word of thanks to Shrule-Glencorrib for hosting the game – the first of many, we hope.
More anon. We previewed this game HERE
Academy resumes this Saturday morning for boys and girls at 9.30am.

PS: For those who are wondering if we left out an ‘r’ in our opponent’s name above, that’s how they spell their Twitter handle.