Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland collection

Every year, the Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland ask us to carry out a Church Gate collection for them. This year’s (2019) it’s on August 3rd and 4th – but I’ve dropped Saturday evening for obvious reasons (Mayo v Donegal)…so it’s just Sunday.

The list below is from two years ago – can people do similar? Let me know how you are fixed.

Sign and collection carton will be at the gate.

When finished, can you put the sign in behind a hedge/wall at the gate, and bring the carton of money to the CBS gate where Liam Horan will be located to take it from you. 

Church Lane Car Park – Declan O’Loughlin – CONFIRMED 2019
Main Street – Elaine Treacy – CONFIRMED 2019
New Street – Noreen Jennings – CONFIRMED 2019
CBS – John Culhane – CONFIRMED 2019

SUNDAY MORNING SECOND MASS – BE THERE AT 11.05am (however, Mass will only be in the church if it’s wet; otherwise, it will be at the New Cemetery – and we won’t collect there). 
Church Lane Car Park –  Willie Culkeen  – CONFIRMED 2019
Main Street – Padraic Costello Jnr – CONFIRMED 2019
New Street – Liam Horan – CONFIRMED 2019
CBS –  Gerry O’Malley – CONFIRMED 2019


Did Saturday two years ago – can you do a gate Sunday if we’re stuck?

Siobhan O’Malley