Today is Debut Day for our U8 and U10 girls footballers

On Wednesday evening next, August 13th, we have two girls-only games at U8 and U10 levels, versus Shrule-Glencorrib, in Glencorrib at 7pm (note time is changed from 6pm). Meet in Glencorrib pitch at 6.45pm.

If you have transport issues, contact Declan O’Loughlin on 087 206 3863. If you haven’t received a text about this match, and feel you should, can you email your name, the child’s name and date of birth, and your own mobile number to
This game is being played under the auspices of our club, rather than ladies football, as neither club is affiliated to the ladies football organisation.
However, our aspiration is to become a fully-fledged ladies club next year.
Please make a special effort to be there as it will be the first time we field girls-only teams for perhaps ten years.

Special thanks to Mary Langan for organising the game. It’s a Debut Day for a lot of young players in our club so it’s important to make it memorable for them: we are making a big effort to get parents/guardians along. Bring your cameras. We will be contacting parents/guardians with final arrangements in next couple of days.

Here’s how we have done Debut Days in the past.

And video of our Saturday morning Academy here:

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