Competition heating up in Mission: Slimpossible!

As this week’s figures show HERE, Ballinrobe Town AFC are leading the three-way race in the Mission: Slimpossible! competition that has generated huge public interest in Ballinrobe.

The 1-2-3 after four weigh-ins sees the soccer club out in front, followed by Ballinrobe RFC and Ballinrobe GAA club respectively.
Hundreds of pounds have been lost but thousands of euros have been raised for the three clubs and also local charity Friends of Grace.
Weigh-ins take place every Tuesday night in Lakeside Sports and Fitness Centre, and the final results will become known on the night of Friday, March 14th, at a special event in the Valkenburg, Balinrobe.

Mission: Slimpossible! is sponsored and supported on an on-going basis by Motivation Weight Management. Their involvement has made the competition possible, and they have certainly played their part in inspiring people to tackle their excess weight.