Robe Rockets News

Pix from our Robe Rockets blitz day

  UPDATE, Tuesday, June 16, 2015: You can view pix HERE and HERE – more to be added over the next few days. From Robe Rockets committee ref yesterday’s (Saturday, June 13) major blitz day in Flanagan Park: On behalf of the Robe Rockets Committee, Coaches and Ballinrobe Ladies Club we wish to thank all Parents and friends who turned out to support our U6, U8, U10 and 10/12 Girls teams at Flanagan Park today. There were over 200 children who played in the event. To all the Children, Coaches and Parents of Davitts, Carras and Kilmaine teams who accepted our invitation for the day we thank you. A word of thanks to the Gentlemen who helped with stewarding the car park, tidying up and the ladies who helped with the catering, the 300+ Rice Krispie buns went down a treat Michelle. A special word of thanks to Costello McDermott who sponsored ice creams for all the children and Cloonans Bakery who sponsored some very special treats on the day. Thank you to Fergal O’Malley, Order of Malta who was in attendance for the day and to Des May, Chief photographer for the day. To all the members of our Senior Team who helped out with refereeing duties for our budding stars of the future. As always thanks to all the Coaches, Parents who help out at training, on match days and members of our Robe Rockets Committee who organised the event andeveryone who assisted with making the day a success for Ballinrobe Future Stars. Thank you

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Rockets events this week

What better way to outline this Saturday’s events in Flanagan Park down by publishing here the texts sent to parents/guardians of players and our various underage teams up to the age of 10. U6 Match v Davitts Sat 13th June in Ballinrobe @9:30am.Please be at pitch @9:15 to sign in.Gumshields compulsory.All age groups are taking part in this fun day so feel free to stay around to support our U8 & U10 teams who play after us.Please check you email for our newsletter.All supporters welcome U8 Match v Davitts Sat 13th June in Ballinrobe @10:30am.Please be at pitch @10:15 to sign in.Gumshields compulsory.All age groups are taking part in this fun day so feel free to come & support our U6 & U10s who play before & after us. Please check your email for our newsletter.All supporters welcome U10 Boys Match v Kilmaine Sat 13th June in Ballinrobe @11:30am.Please be at pitch @11:15 to sign in.Gumshields compulsory.All age groups are taking part in this fun day so please come & support our U6,U8 & U12 girls who play before & after us. Please check your email for our newsletter. All welcome. U10 & 12 Girls Match v Headford Sat 13th June in Ballinrobe @12:30pm.Please be at pitch @12:15 to sign in.Gumshields compulsory.All age groups are taking part in this fun day so please come & support our U6, U8 & U10s who play before us. Please check your email for our newsletter. All welcome.

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Invitation to Ballinrobe ladies football debut day

Ballinrobe’s reformed Ladies Football club, together with the rest of the club’s Robe Rockets, are having a Debut Day and want to send you a special invite to celebrate this exciting day. The venue is Flanagan Park, Ballinrobe, on Saturday, June 13th.  Match times are available HERE. We are inviting brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends to come along to support our young footballers on the day. We have a special invitation for all players who played for the last U16 Ballinrobe ladies football team, 2004/2005.   We would like you to dig out old photos and give them to Mary Langan, Secretary, (087) 234 7438 or send in by email to  Any photos sent in will be returned. We ask that you turn up on the day to meet our new players, give them advice tell them stories of your experience of being part of the ladies football team. Help us celebrate the day which is being held to encourage our new players. Refreshments and treats, including teas and coffee, will be available on this fun Debut Day.

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More pix from today’s ladies football game v The Neale

UPDATE, Monday, June 1, from Aidrienne Gleeson, PRO + more videos HERE Our U12/U10 ladies played the Neale in a challenge match last Saturday, May 30th, in Flanagan Park, Ballinrobe. Ballinrobe, with a panel of 21 on the day, gave an impressive first-day team display with plenty of scores throughout the match from both sides. The match was played over four 12-minute quarters and all panel members played a minimum of one quarter. Captained by Holly Duddy the panel also included Sophie O’Brien, Ailbhe O’ Loughlin, Ella Murphy, Grace Bradley, Maria Macken, Aoibhinn Barrett, Sarah Finnegan, Lara Philbin, Sophie Sheridan, Erin Collier, Claire Langan, Alayna Murphy, Rebecca Mellett-Connolly, Lily Smyth, Laura Finley, Aleesha Cahill, Rosie Smyth, Amy Gleeson, Grace Cannon and Grace Jennings. The ladies are on the field again June 13th together with the rest of the Robe Rockets for the club’s big Debut Day.   UPDATE, 8pm: Ballinrobe GAA Club chairperson Alan Flannery wishes the girls team every success – follow link below to find this video. UPDATE, 1pm: Pictures and videos from the game are available HERE – more to follow over the next few days. The Neale won the match but our girls played very well for their first game, and what was very encouraging was the way in which our players’ skills held up – when they get accustomed to playing as a team on such a large pitch, they will be a very fine side indeed. Go to our Facebook page for updates and photos from our historic ladies football match v The Neale, now underway in Flanagan Park. We are playing really well against a fine The Neale team. First game for our reformed ladies football club.

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