Our Rockets win a prize in St Patrick’s Day parade

  Second update, March 18th, 2015: Just got word that we won a prize yesterday so well done all concerned. It’s an Honourable Mention award. Update, March 18th, 2015: Well done to our huge group of Robe Rockets who represented Ballinrobe GAA Club in yesterday’s St Patrick’s Day parade. Photos are available for download HERE – if you have any to add, email them to and I will add them there. Accordingly, you can expect that more photos will be added to this folder over the coming days so might be no harm to check back (as I type, there are 87 photos syncing, so those alone will take a few hours). They certainly made themselves seen and heard – each participant was given a whistle with the exhortation to ‘blow like mad’, and they certainly took the instruction to heart. Hats off to Annette Conway for making 100 of those little maroon and yellow things (not sure what the correct term is – I’ve heard them called many things – my personal favourite is ‘Willie Joes’) and Padraic Delaney for sponsoring goody bags for the children. Special word of thanks to the parents who brought the children along, and our club coaches and members who co-ordinated the group. Well done, too, to the organisers of the St Patrick’s Day parade as a whole. It was a huge success.   Ballinrobe GAA club Robe Rockets will take part in the town’s St Patrick’s Day Parade. We will have players up to the age of 12 flying the club colours – jerseys, socks, togs, flags, tops, the lot. All players wishing to take part should turn up at the parade convening point in their club gear, please have kids wear clothing appropriate for the weather conditions. Parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters are also very welcome to join in. That’s 3:15pm at the Crann Mor Centre, Neale Road. The parade rolls off at 3.30pm. Padraic Delaney (Robe Rockets) is our main club organiser on the day.

Our Rockets win a prize in St Patrick’s Day parade Read More »

Grace Bradley wins ‘design the Robe Rockets logo’ competition

  Grace Bradley, Cahir, Ballinrobe, has won the competition to design the new Robe Rockets logo. See her winning entry below, plus pictures of Grace, her father Michael (one of our coaches), Robe Rockets chairperson Declan O’Loughlin and club chairperson Alan Flannery. The announcement was made at this morning’s weekly Robe Rockets football practice in Lakeside Sports & Fitness Centre. Grace’s prize is a €50 Vaughan’s Shoes voucher, sponsored by Ballinrobe GAA club. She will also liaise with a graphic designer who will work on converting her design for use as the logo of Robe Rockets ad infinitum. The full launch of the logo will take place once Grace and the designer have completed their work. You can read all about Robe Rockets HERE Some audiobooms on Grace’s win are HERE too – including an interview with Grace herself. All other entries are available HERE – well done to everyone who entered. The judge, a local artist, was very impressed with the quality of the work.

Grace Bradley wins ‘design the Robe Rockets logo’ competition Read More »

Are you getting the texts and phonecalls?

Parents/guardians, are you receiving our text messages and emails? If you have heard about messages going to others that are not coming to you, please let us know and we will sort it out. At the start of the year, there are a lot of moving parts so inevitably some people get slotted into the wrong lists, or not at all. For Robe Rockets: For Bord na nOg:

Are you getting the texts and phonecalls? Read More »

Robe Rockets elect officers for 2015

The following officers were elected at tonight’s first annual general meeting of the Robe Rockets wing of the club: Chairperson – Declan O’Loughlin, 087 206 3863, Secretary – Dave Conway, 086 859 8144, PRO – Liam Horan, 087 9185 867, Committee: Colm Jennings, Padraig Delaney, Mary Langan, Nicola Macken, Des May. Rockets caters for players up to the age of ten. Weekly training times are available HERE Gum shields must be worn every Saturday. Don’t forget the logo competition – full details HERE Rockets will break for Easter on Saturday, April 4th. Debut day has been pencilled in for Saturday, April 25th, at 9.30am. More details anon. Rockets will explode into the St Patrick’s Day parade this year, by the way.

Robe Rockets elect officers for 2015 Read More »