Ballinrobe GAA Club Launches its Strategic Development Plan 2021 – 2022

  ‘New goals and aspirations’ as Ballinrobe GAA Clublaunches its five-year plan Past glories, current hopes, and future aspirations all blended together on Saturday night last (January 29th), as Ballinrobe GAA Club celebrated the launch of its Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025. You can view the plan HERE Delayed in its finalisation due to COVID-19, the plan was finally unveiled at the first formal indoor gathering of club members in almost two years, at Ballinrobe Racecourse. The chairperson of the Steering Committee that oversaw the development of the plan, Denise Horan, remarked that the lifting of COVID restrictions provided the ideal backdrop to the launch of the plan. “Its a time of joy and hope – a perfect time to start a new chapter in our club, to set out new goals and aspirations,” she said. Developed over an 18-month period by five sub-committees led by chairpersons Colm Jennings, Declan O’Loughlin, Donal McCormack, Paul McElarney, Mike Finnerty and Elaine O’Donnell, the plan sets out ambitions across all areas of the club, from coaching and games development, to finance and fundraising, and facilities development. Though the ‘thinking, research and consideration of ideas was broad and deep’, Denise Horan noted, a deliberate decision was made to condense the initial long list of recommendations to a set that was ‘small, but meaningful; aspirational, but clear and simple’. The 24 final recommendations that made the plan reflect this considered approach. The event, hosted by Liam Horan and broadcast live to over 400 followers on the club’s Facebook page, traced the proud history of the club from its early days (recalled memorably byclub historian Mike Coyne), through to its successes of last year, in boys’ and ladies’ underage competitions. Newly-appointed intermediate team manager – and former Mayo full-back – Peter Ford, a native of Ballinrobe, also spoke, recalling his playing days with the club, the highs of his previous stint as manager over 20 years ago and his excitement about the season ahead. “I wasn’t involved with any team last year and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be again. But when I was approached about the Ballinrobe job and when I started having conversations with some of the guys involved, it was like a drug that took hold again,” he said.   The long and loyal service of club stalwart Billy Horan – who recently marked 70 years covering Gaelic games for the local papers – was also recognised on the night, with club chairman John Flannelly making a special presentation to a man who ‘has been a leader within the club since the 1950s – as player, coach, chairman, PRO, President and South and County Board delegate’. Encouraging everyone to get behind the new club plan, John highlighted that there is ‘a role for everyone in Ballinrobe GAA Club’. “Sometimes people think they have nothing to contribute, but there is something everyone can do. No matter how small it seems, it all matters because it takes the whole community to keep the club going,” he said. Entertainment was provided in the form of traditional music and sean-nós dancing, ably performed by underage club members Rachel Gallagher, Ethan Tierney, Roisin and Katie Yates, Jamie and Billy Donnellan and Aoibhinn and Caitlin Cummins, under the tutelage of Chloe Feeney of the Chloe Feeney School of Music

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Launch of Ballinrobe GAA Club Strategic Development Plan 2021 – 2025

  UPDATE, Saturday 29, January: The plan goes live HERE at 6.25pm Club members, supporters and Ballinrobe natives near and far are invited to join Ballinrobe GAA Club next weekend for the launch of its five-year strategic plan in Ballinrobe Racecourse this Saturday evening (29th January) at 6.30.  The recent easing of many of the COVID-19 restrictions means this is now an opportunity for club members to come together. Setting the club’s direction until the middle of the decade, Ballinrobe GAA Club’s Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025 is the culmination of a process which began over two years ago, drawing on ideas and inputs from across the community and further afield.  The group determined the Mission, Vision and Values of the Club which then fed into the objectives of the sub-committees looking at the 5 pillars of the plan.  Those pillars are: Coaching and Games Development Facilities and Development Finance and Fundraising Club Structures and Administration PR, Communications and Community The launch will also be streamed live on the club’s Facebook page. In addition to launching the plan, the event will showcase the club’s recent achievements and link to its proud history that stretches back 135 years. “This plan sets out how we will build on the strong foundations that have served Ballinrobe GAA Club so well for decades and chart the course for the next part of our journey. It’s simple, but ambitious, and we’re looking forward to getting started on its implementation in the months and years ahead,” said Club Chairperson, John Flannelly. Catch the live stream on Ballinrobe GAA Club Facebook page, Liam Horan will be Master of Ceremonies.    

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Ballinrobe GAA Club Gear

Ballinrobe GAA Club Shop is now open.  This year we are procuring our gear from a number of sources, to avail of best price for our members, provide a greater choice of gear and support a local business. The providers of gear this year are our usual suppliers O’Neills, for adult and underage gear and we have also agreed a club shop with Adidas for adult and underage gear.  We have entered into an agreement with Hughsey Sports based in the Neale for Robe Rockets gear (Nursery to U 11 boys). The links to the 3 club shops are below  O’Neills Club Shop:  The O’Neills club shop is open on an ongoing basis and gear can be ordered from it at any time and will be delivered directly to an address specified by the purchaser. Adidas Club Shop:  The Adidas Club shop will be open until the 11th May only and items purchased will be delivered directly to an address specified by the purchaser.  Delivery will take approximately 7 weeks from the closing date.   Hughsey Sports:  The Hughsey Sports Club Shop will be open until 17th May only.  Items purchased will be delivered in bulk directly to the Club and will handed out at a fixed date and time upon receipt. Ballinrobe Football Socks can be ordered from Team coaches. Depending on demand, the club shops will be open again later in the year. Don’t miss the closing dates for placing an order, as the gear from Adidas and Hughsey Sports will not be available again until later in the year. We look forward to seeing all our players and supporters in the new Ballinrobe GAA Club Merchandise.      

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Ballinrobe GAA Club “Movember Challenge”

  You Too Could Have the Padraic Cos Look.  Ballinrobe GAA Club is using the month of November and the remaining Covid19 Level 5 lockdown period to raise funds for worthy charities by organising a “Movember Challenge“. Support our players, coaches and members as they take on the ‘Movember Challenge”. ”Movember” is a time to inspire men (and women) to look after their physical and mental health and wellbeing.  Men are challenged to grow a moustache, and men and women can be physically active and move or host a fundraising event.  The charities that have been chosen are the Corrib Mask Search and Rescue, and the Mayo Roscommon Hospice.  Both charities are very worthy causes and contribute greatly to the community of Ballinrobe and its surrounds.  At the end of the Level 5 lockdown period, an event will be organised whereby all those who took part will have the opportunity to have their masterpieces shaved off. John Flannelly, Chairman of Ballinrobe GAA Club said “during COVID-19 it has been very difficult for charities and voluntary organisations to fundraise with all the restrictions of movement currently in place.  This is an opportunity for Ballinrobe GAA Club to give back to just 2 of those groups that provide such a valuable service and support to the people of Ballinrobe and its environs”. Each week, participants will send in photos of their progress in the challenge.  With the age profile of our current Intermediate Team, it is suspected that some of them may struggle with this challenge, however we as a club have not, and never will, doubt their commitment to the cause – on or off the pitch.  A collage of those photos will be posted on facebook so that everybody can keep track of their progress. To support please go to out GoFundMe page.   Ballinrobe GAA Club

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Kelloggs GAA Cúl Camps – Ballinrobe GAA Club

This year Ballinrobe GAA Club will be hosting two Kelloggs GAA Cúl Camps on the weeks beginning 20th July and 27th July.  In compliance with the GAA Return to Play Guidlines the numbers of each camp have been restricted to 120 children.  To ensure the safety of all participants and to comply with GAA guidelines there are a number of things parents should be aware of in anticipation of the Camps Read the Cúl Camps Guidelines for Parents and Guardians Cúl-Camps-Guidelines-Parents-Guardians-1  Children will be required to be dropped off and picked up from the camp in the morning at10.00am and afternoon at 2.00pm.   Health Questionnaire – There is a requirement for all participants to have a health questionnaire completed on the GAA Return to Site prior to the Camp on the morning of the first day.  The following link shows how to complete the questionnaire online .  After watching the short youtube video, click here to enter the Kelloggs Cúl Camps site for links to the COVID-19 eLearning Module and the Health Questionnaire. Each morning of the Camp the childs parent or guardian will be required to confirm he/she is still in good health and symptom free.  

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MyLife GAA Healthy Clubs Step Challenge

Irish Life in conjunction with the GAA have launched the MyLife GAA Healthy Clubs Step Challenge to promote health and wellbeing and at the same time benefit one GAA Club in each province.  It is an ideal opportunity when the summer is here and the weather is good to get out and walk or run.   During the month of June lets take up the challenge which officially begins on the 3rd June and ends on the 30th June 2020.  At the end of the month, the club that has the most steps clocked up in each province will win a €2,500 O’Neills Voucher. Ballinrobe GAA Club has registered for the Challenge and you can play your part.  Whether you’re a club member or not, all you need to do is download the MyLife app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and register yourself on the App. Tap HERE to go to our facebook post which gives a step by step guide to the process of downloading the app, registering your details and registering for the challenge. The summer is here and the weather is great. The prize could be a great benefit to the playing members of the club, and the steps won’t do the rest of us any harm either! Register now and start walking.

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The late Liam O’Haire

  Liam O’Haire (42), a native of Rathkelly, Ballinrobe, who passed away in Crusheen, Co. Clare, on Sunday evening, was a former Ballinrobe footballer and a member of a family with a long and distinguished association with the club. Liam had fought illness for some time and news of his passing evoked deep sympathy in the Ballinrobe region. From an early age, Liam joined his father Christy and mother Mary at club and county football training sessions and games and he went on to play at all underage levels for the club, Ballinrobe CBS (primary school) and Ballinrobe Community School (secondary). A serving member of An Garda Siochána, Liam is survived by his wife, Anna; daughter, Alannah; son, Christopher; mother, Mary; sisters, Marie and Chanelle (Conneely); brothers-in-law, Paul, Donnie, Keith, Noel and Johnny; mother-in-law, Mary; and sisters-in-law, Lorraine, Esther and Caroline; and nephews, Jason and Mark. Christy, who passed away suddenly in 1996, between the drawn and replayed All-Ireland senior football finals involving Mayo and Meath, was a former club player and officer, including serving as its chairman. Additionally, he managed club teams to win a number of county championship titles at under-age and adult levels. He was a selector on a variety of Mayo teams, including the sides that won the 1983 All-Ireland U21 title and reached the 1989 All-Ireland senior final. He was also a divisional and county board official who commanded respect among GAA followers all over the country. The family involvement in Ballinrobe GAA Club continues to the present day, with Liam’s sisters Marie and Chanelle actively involved in the club, and nephews Jason and Mark wearing the club colours at U14 and U12 levels respectively. In 2018, Liam watched his nephews play for Ballinrobe on a number of occasions. Indeed, Liam’s daughter, Alannah, has regularly attended training and games hosted by our Robe Rockets on her visits to Ballinrobe. The club extends its deepest sympathy to Liam’s family at this sad time.   John Flannelly, Chairman, Ballinrobe GAA Club.  

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Robe Rocket Presentation 2019

Our Robe Rocket Season concluded last Saturday with our annual Robe Rockets Presentation. Guests of honour were Luke Jennings, Eoin Gilrane and Cian O’Connell Mayo Minors and Club stars along with the Connacht Minor Cup and Ted Webb U16 Cup. The lads presented each Robe Rocket with a Certificate of Achievement and Club boot bag. Well done to all our Robe Rockets on another great year. Many thanks to all who helped on the day and to Andy Walsh for the photos. As our year concludes we thank our Coaches and Robe Rocket Committee for all their hard work throughout 2019. Special mention to Annette Conway, outgoing PRO on all her work and dedication to Rockets for the last 5 years. Enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing you all in 2020                            

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U10/12 Street League raises €715 for Second Defibrillator

We are pleased to announce that the U10/12 Street League raised €715 from both the shop and bucket contributions on the day 😃 All proceeds go towards the cost of a second Defibrillator for the Club which will be used for Away matches. A massive thank you to all who contributed to the shop and bucket collections. Well done to the Street League Committee and all who helped out on the day👏👏👏👏    

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