
Code of Ethics course

From Eimear Grimes, our Child Protection Officer: Hi I just want to remind every-one about The Code of ethics course tomorrow evening, Wednesday 26th March, at 7pm upstairs in O Malley’s. If you are attending or know some-one attending can you send me on names please, so I can forward these on. Thanks Eimear eimsgrimes

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Ladies football training on March 22nd @radiomidwest, @mayogaa, @ladiesfootball

The effort to form a ladies football team in Ballinrobe will continue apace on Saturday, March 22nd, when a training session will be held at Lakeside Sports & Fitness Centre, for girls under the age of 12. This follows a recent meeting at which the possibility of establishing a club was discussed. This indoor session will introduce girls to the skills of ladies football and it is hoped it will be the precursor to a club being formed in the near future. To take part, simply turn up at 9.30am on March 22. Parents are asked to assist on the day. More information at

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Congrats to Ballinrobe Town AFC @radiomidwest @audioboosports @ballinrobetown @ballinroberfc

Congratulations to Ballinrobe Town AFC who last night won the €1500 prize for being the best team in the highly-successful Mission: Slimpossible! They pipped Ballinrobe RFC in a tight finish. We finished third – but everyone was a winner last night as all three clubs recorded outstanding weight losses. John Walsh, Ballinrobe RFC, was named as King of Mission: Slimpossible! Our very own Tom Carney was in the final three for that accolade, along with Tony Walsh (Ballinrobe Town AFC). Another one of our very own – Martina McCormack – was named as Queen of Mission: Slimpossible! The two other finalists in that were Helen O’Neill and Valerie Gibbons (both Ballinrobe Town AFC). Thanks very much to Paula O’Hara and Tina McCormack from Motivation Weight Management for their support throughout the event. Thanks also to Lake District Sports & Fitness Centre who hosted many of the training events, and to Quality Street for entertaining the huge crowd last night. Plans are afoot to retain some of the training events each week. More details anon. You can listen to Audioboos from last night HERE Visit Motivation Weight Management site HERE More anon.

Congrats to Ballinrobe Town AFC @radiomidwest @audioboosports @ballinrobetown @ballinroberfc Read More »