
Congrats Alan and Lorraine

At Monday night’s meeting of the Executive Committee of Ballinrobe GAA club, best wishes were extended to club player Alan Murphy and his new bride Lorraine Gibbons who were wed on December 30. Alan is a member of the Mayo senior squad and was also selected on the 2012 Mayo News Club Stars team.

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Kevin is new club officer

At Monday night’s meeting of the Executive Committee of Ballinrobe GAA club, Kevin Murphy was appointed assistant secretary of the club. The position had been left vacant at the agm as it was felt the club should identify somebody with a range of skills appropriate to the role. Kevin fits the bill and was delighted to accept the role. Kevin has played at all levels with the club and continues to line out in the club colours. He is a native of Cahir, Ballinrobe, and is an Ulster Bank employee in Galway city.

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St Stephens Day match

At Monday’s Club Executive meeting, Chairman Alan Flannery said the match had been a great success and looked forward to it becoming an annual fixture in the years to come . “To have 42 togged out on the day was fantastic” stated Alan. He thanked Keith McTigue, David Killeen, Tom Carney, Liam Horan, Micheal Keane, Shane O’Neill (Art’s Bar, who hosted the post-match e vent) and all the players who took to the field. The game was a tightly contested affair which resulted in the honours being shared.

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Ballad Group wins Scór

Congratulations to our Ballad Group who won the South Mayo Scór na nÓg final in Hollymount on Thursday night last. The team members were Aoife Culhane, Sibéal Finnerty, Sorcha Hobson, Aoife Delargy and Nicole Denning. They will now represent the club and south Mayo in the county finals. Date and venue to be confirmed. They have also been invited to audition for a TG4 show. Dara Deane, Sibéal Finnerty and Aoife Culhane represented Ballinrobe in the Question Time, and the versatile Sibéal also competed in the Solo Singing. A special word of thanks to Ms Triona Canny and Ms Dymphna Culhane, who prepared our competitors.

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Club update Christmas week

CONGRATS: Well done Alan Murphy on the two major awards you received in Westport on Saturday night last. He certainly did the club proud. And we wish Alan and Lorraine the very best on December 30th, when they get married. Luckily, he will be available for the St Stephen’s Day game (see belowJ) More on Alan’s successes HERE THE PULL: The club is promoting the play The Pull in Ballinrobe Community School on Friday, December 28th, at 7.30pm. Tickets cost €10 each. This is a big night out to celebrate the end of 2012 and there will be a post-show get-together in McGreal’s Bar, Abbey St, afterwards. We have assembled a team of ‘power sellers’ who have tickets – you can find out who they are here, and more details on The Pull HERE. The Pull (written and, dare we say it, ‘starring’ Liam Horan and John Corless) is loosely based on our own club truck pull a year and a half ago, which you can also watch on video HERE This event is a major fund-raiser for the club, so all support is welcome. Any member who can sell tickets can contact John Culhane (treasurer), Alan Flannery (chairman) or Donal McCormack (community officer). ST STEPHEN’S DAY GAME: It’s the clash of the Titans, the one they all want to see, the Ballinrobe GAA Club St Stephen’s Day game. More detail are available HERE. The game is at 1.30pm, and there’s video analysis afterwards in Art’s Bar. REPORTS & RESULTS: You can listen to reports of virtually all of our competitive games in 2012 here: We have some other boos that are not part of our Report sequence – you can listen to those here. CLUB COMMUNICATION POINTS: You can now follow club news on a number of social media platforms: i.      Public Folder – ii.      Twitter – @ballinrobegaa iii.      Facebook – iv.      Audioboo – v.      Google Calendar – access this via our club website, or through our email for this Calendar,  Overall, the club site – – is maintained up to date so it’s a good place to look for news.

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St Stephen’s Day game

The club will host a game on St Stephen’s Day – U25s versus O25s, followed by a showing of the match video at a special function in Art’s Bar. The game will have a 1.30pm throw-in. All players are requested to attend. Keith McTigue and David Killeen are the chief organisers. David Killeen will player-manage the O25s, and Tom Carney will manage the U25s. Padraic Costello Snr (and, in his time, Intermediate, Junior and Junior B, player and manager) will referee the match, which causes the video team a bit of a problem given that he is our resident match analyst. We may have to wire him up. Come along to enjoy a great occasion and social event.

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Alan makes Club Stars

Congratulations to Alan Murphy on being named in the Mayo News Club Stars team tonight – check out our AUDIOBOOS for more details: This caps a wonderful year for Alan which saw him terrorise defences all over Mayo – even earning a call-up to the Mayo squad. Lorraine and Alan get married on December 30th. A fitting way to finish a memorable 2012. The club wishes them every happiness on their big day and in the future.

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The Pull comes home

Ballinrobe GAA club is bringing a new play with a Gaelic games theme to the Ballinrobe Community School, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo on Friday, December 28th, and tickets are now being sold by the club (see below for the list of members we believe to be among our ‘Power Seller’ team.) The Pull is the first play from Half Solid Productions, a company established by Ballinrobe man Liam Horan and Mayo writer and actor John Corless. It is loosely based on our very own The Pull the summer before last – see more here on our YouTube channel: Liam, secretary of Ballinrobe GAA, is a former Gaelic games correspondent of the Irish Independent, and creator of the popular Championship Man series on RTE Radio One. John is a well-known poet who has performed a number of readings in this region. The Pull is a lively comedy based on an “unreal real event that may or not have taken place in rural Ireland,” according to Liam. It is set in the fictional town of Ballybore, where, bizarrely, the local GAA club claim to pre-date the foundation of the GAA by some 130 years. “It’s about a GAA club that runs into some financial trouble, but it’s not nearly as big a deal as they think. Basically, Ballybore GAA Club is only €1,000 in debt but it feels like €1m to the main people involved in the club. They set about trying to solve the problem and decide to pull a truck around their home town to raise money and get themselves in the Guinness Book of Records. Chaos ensues and they end up getting in way over their heads”, explained Liam. In the midst of the panic and the cack-handed attempts at fundraising, there are a number of other sub-plots for the audience to enjoy.  The Pull is suitable for all ages. Liam and John are looking forward to bringing the play to Ballinrobe on Friday, December 28th. “We are touring all over Ireland and it will be great to stage it in Ballinrobe,” added Liam. The show starts at 7.30pm and admission is €10. Ballinrobe GAA is selling tickets for the show which doubles as a fund-raiser for the club. Afterwards, there will be a club get-together in McGreal’s Bar, Abbey St. MEMBERS  & OUTLETS SELLING TICKETS / Power Sellers: John Culhane, Alan Flannery, Adrian Flannery, David Killeen, Martin Jennings (Inch’s Pub), Martin Murphy (Newsagents), Eamon McGreal (McGreal’s Bar), Fergal O’Malley (O’Malley’s Bar), John Sweeney, Kevin Gilrane, John Gilrane, Donal Vaughan (Vaughan’s Shoes), Seamus Macken, Mike Finnerty, Vincent Cummins (Cummins’ Hardware), Declan Corcoran, Tom Carney, Donal McCormack, Liam Horan (Sli Nua Careers). For more information, visit or

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Congrats to Racecourse

At last night’s meeting of Ballinrobe GAA club executive committee, a vote of congratulations was passed to Ballinrobe Racecourse on their selection as Horse Racing Ireland’s Racecourse of the Year. This is a huge honour for the course and reflects decades of hard work put in by many people.

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