Gaelic4Girls Hits Ballinrobe by Storm! Gaelic4Girls has hit Ballinrobe by storm, with 40 girls from Ballinrobe and the surrounding areas descending onto Flanagan Park, Ballinrobe to be treated to 60mins of great fun and coaching in Ladies Gaelic Football last Friday evening. This programme continues for another 7 weeks every Friday from 18:30 in Flanagan Park, Ballinrobe. It is fantastic to see so many enthusiastic girls, who have little Gaelic Football experience enjoying themselves. It is open to girls aged 8-12yrs ( inclusive by 25th July 2016) who are not part of a Ladies Gaelic Football Club and who are interested in learning the skills of the game. All girls from Ballinrobe and the surrounding areas are encouraged to attend and learn the skills of Ladies Gaelic Football from enthusiastic coaches. You are all welcome to attend even if you missed week one. The girls will be taught the basic skills of Gaelic football on a fun basis and will get to demonstrate their new skills at a fun mini-blitz. All girls will be presented with a Gaelic4Girls t-shirt and certificate. A major bonus from the programme is that all participants will get the chance to participate in a Mini Blitz with another Gaelic4Girls site after the county blitz. The cost for the entire programme is only €8. Anybody who would like more details on this programme is asked to contact Aidrienne Gleeson on (086) 126 0136. Reminder to all girls attending, wear enough layers, under armour if you have them, it’s easy to peel of the layers, but if weather continues like last Friday would be good idea even to have a hat on your head to keep the bitter cold out. Everybody to bring a bottle of water and wear the mandatory gum shields. Reminder to all parents and Guardians please sign in your daughters on the registration sheet each evening on arrival and girls have to be collected from the pitch and will not be allowed leave on their own not even to walk down the length of the car park, you need to come back to the registration point to collect the girls each evening for security purposes. Photos to follow.