Behind the dressing-room door. .

This week, it’s Ray McGreal. .

Behind the dressing-room door. .

Name: Ray McGreal
Age: 22
Occupation: Architect

Last Film I Saw: The Guard
Last Book I Read: Michael McIntyre’s Autobiography
Favourite Song At The Moment: ‘This Club, I Won’t Worry’
When I’m not playing football I’m: In college.
If I could invite three people to dinner I’d invite: Georgia Salpa — three times!
Why those three? You can never have enough Georgia Salpa.
The funniest guy in the Ballinrobe dressing-room is: Rubber
The hardest guy in the Ballinrobe dressing-room is: David Killeen
Who is the most famous person in your phone contacts? Donal Vaughan
What’s the most expensive thing you own (excluding house or car)? MacBook White
The best thing about playing for Ballinrobe is: Winning.
The best Gaelic footballer I have ever seen play is: Ciaran McDonald
Who is the toughest opponent you have ever faced? Pierce Hanley
My favourite pub in Ballinrobe is: Mc Greal’s
What are you most afraid of? Not playing my best.
The biggest influence on my GAA career was: Friends.
My favourite saying is: “Hey everybody, come see how good I look” — Ron Burgundy
What was the last meal you ate? Breakfast.
My ideal desert island date would be: (See above).
Tell me something very few people know about you? Before today, my obsession with Georgia Salpa!
Describe yourself in three words: Happy. Healthy. Focussed.

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