Ballinrobe GAA Club go 50/50

Dear Club Member,

As some of you will be aware our long running GAA Club Lotto came to an end last Monday night, congratulations to the winners of the numerous prizes given out at the last draw in Inch’s.

As a club we also take this opportunity to thank everyone who has bought tickets over the years for their valued support, along with this we were very reliant on our lotto selling teams and local outlets that sold so many tickets over the years and for this we as a club are extremely grateful for all the hard work provided.


A new era begins next Monday night as Ballinrobe GAA Club launches its 50/50 draw in John O Haire’s Pub, Cornmarket. The first draw will take place at 10.30pm on the night. Ballinrobe GAA 50/50 tickets are on sale from all usual outlets around the town, and as a club we will continue to sell at weekends around the local public houses to any interested parties.

As a club we are lucky enough to possess a large and committed group of members, vital sources of fund raising are crucial to ensure the club can continue to improve at all levels. In this regard we would appreciate all support given to this new initiative.

Finally on behalf of the club, we wish the very best for the coming year to all members and hope for a successful 12 months for all our players and mentors

Donal McCormack, Runai

Ballinrobe GAA Club

Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo

Twitter: @ballinrobegaa
