A typical Robe Rockets Saturday morning


Saturday, July 4th, 2015 – so what does go on at our Robe Rockets Academy every Saturday morning?


Michael is a very keen Robe Rocket
Michael is a very keen Robe Rocket


Dave Conway, secretary of Robe Rockets, and one of its main coaches, gives this overview while he stands beside a portable goal – waiting for me to go away again so he can move the goal to where it should be.


Dave Conway, secretary & coach, Robe Rockets
Dave Conway, secretary & coach, Robe Rockets

There’s a flurry of activity as parents arrive with their children. One of the great features of Robe Rockets is parental involvement. Many parents wait and lend a hand and some have gone on to attend coaching courses and workshops. As the parents are the first educators of the children, and the biggest influence on their lives, the deep involvement of parents in their football can only be a good thing.

But what do the players think? John Gleeson is a veteran – at seven years of age.

John Gleeson - a veteran at seven.
John Gleeson – a veteran at seven.

Here he explains why he comes along every Wednesday and Saturday.


The coaching is in full swing now. The atmosphere is supportive and positive. “Good, Rory, well done”, shouts Colm Jennings, the head buck cat at U6 level. Marie O’Haire celebrates every shot on target at the town goal.

Under 6 players develop their skills
Under 6 players develop their skills

But where have all the girls gone? They’re not here in their usual numbers this morning. Declan O’Louglin gives the reason why they’re strangely absent.



And an hour later, it’s over. All to be repeated next Wednesday and next Saturday, over and over again, fun times for children and adults, memories being created, friendships being formed, skills being developed, a culture built hour by hour, a relationship with the club and the game that will hopefully go deeper and deeper in the weeks, months and years ahead. Go Rockets. 2015-07-04 09.37.14

Out-take: not sure how I created this photo, but, fair is fair, it’s right cool…
