Mayo TV preview programme

From Mayo TV:
A chara

I hope all is well and that the ticket chase isn’t giving you too many headaches!
IRISHTV and MAYOTV would like to invite your club members along to a special pre-match LIVE TV broadcast in the Welcome Inn Castlebar on Sept 20th, free of charge.
There will be expert analysis, live music, celebrity guests including Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh and Jack O’Connor and other Mayo favourites, and of course prize give-aways including precious tickets for the All Ireland Final. I have attached a poster with further details.
The event is FREE to attend but places are very limited so if any of your club members would like to come along to the live TV show they need to RSVP to or 098-56582 by September 17th.
I appreciate it if you could let club members know about the show.
Warm regards
Edel Golden