January 2018

Operation Transformation Walks

  Our walks continued this week and we had great turnouts for both our Thursday and Saturday walks. Ballinrobe GAA club will be continuing with two walks per week as part of Operation Transformation. There will be a walk at 7pm on Thursday evening and another on Saturday morning at 11am. Both walks will begin in The Green and please be there 10 minutes before the walk begins. All are welcome, don’t worry if you haven’t been to any of the walks before you can join up at any time and its free.

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Talk on Giving up Smoking

As part of our healthy club campaign Ballinrobe GAA would like to invite you to a talk with advice on how to Quit Smoking on Wednesday 31th January at 8pm in Tacu. The talk will be given by local pharmacist Declan Burke. The talk is open to everyone in the community and is free of charge.  

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Our first week of our healthy club campaign

The first week of our healthy club campaign was a great success. We have had a very busy week as part of our healthy club campaign, we had a talk on nutrition by Katherine O’Loughlin of KO Nutrition and talk on getting back into exercise from Conor Keane Momentum Performance and Ken McCarty of Western Lakes Cycling Club. Great turnout of over 150 for our first Operation Transformation Walk!! Well done to everyone who participated on Saturday. It was great to see such interest in getting a little more active. Our next walk is in the Green on Thursday @ 7pm, meet at 6:50pm and another walk next Saturday @11am, meeting 10:50am. Thanks to Mayo Sports Partnership for providing some much needed refreshments and helping us promoting the walks. 

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