June 2015

Invitation to Ballinrobe ladies football debut day

Ballinrobe’s reformed Ladies Football club, together with the rest of the club’s Robe Rockets, are having a Debut Day and want to send you a special invite to celebrate this exciting day. The venue is Flanagan Park, Ballinrobe, on Saturday, June 13th.  Match times are available HERE. We are inviting brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends to come along to support our young footballers on the day. We have a special invitation for all players who played for the last U16 Ballinrobe ladies football team, 2004/2005.   We would like you to dig out old photos and give them to Mary Langan, Secretary, (087) 234 7438 or send in by email to maryinmayo@yahoo.com.  Any photos sent in will be returned. We ask that you turn up on the day to meet our new players, give them advice tell them stories of your experience of being part of the ladies football team. Help us celebrate the day which is being held to encourage our new players. Refreshments and treats, including teas and coffee, will be available on this fun Debut Day.

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