By Annette Conway, PRO Robe Rockets
Ballinrobe GAA club hosted an U10 Boys Blitz on Saturday with Carras, Mayo Gaels and Shrule/Glencorrib all participating. Over 100 boys competed in the blitz with two Ballinrobe teams competing in the Cup final. It was a wonderful sight to see so many children displaying their skills so enthusiastically on a warm afternoon.
A big thank you to Des May, U10 Coach who organised and coordinated the blitz. We sincerely thank all who helped out on the day and to the players, coaches and parents of Carras, Mayo Gaels and Shrule/Glencorrib for coming. Special thanks to our U10 Robe Rocket players, parents and coaches. We hope you enjoyed the day!! Some photos from the day.
Blitz Winners and their Coaches